Sumerian Kyngs – Post Art Pop Offensive
Naa, wosbin an-appnin daan inth swomp. Tha knose thwun - rown bacca th’barn….
Woi? Tis them ole Kyngs …awl kikkin awf agin an they’m playin thairn nstrimints loik nobuddy’s biznis.
Lessus take a lissin an see woss appinin……
Thairs big ol Kyng Cliff an Li’lole Kyng Monty fiddlinwiv themthair quaybords loik thairs no tmorrer – all anoodlin an eplinkitty plonkin …an ears Kyng Tony mumbling thway ee normly do. Wait…..ole Kyngs Andy , Steve, Trev n Grame juss popt upp making allsortsa rowz n wotnot. Sounz alroit reely. Butt summut’s a-missin’….wot iz it? Ah Oi knose – tis lanky ole Kyng Stu on is mafforgn thingmajig. Ahhh – yer ee iz – now thetz propper fair dinkum Oi’d say….Ow bowchew?
Fost nummba twer cawled ‘Alygata Fyn,’ [sez yere] …. – yeh sands bowt roight.
Nex wuns a noysyer wun cawled ‘Octopus Stenchyn’ – coo don’it jus!? Ole Stu’s givnit a guddun yer .– moi gawd! [Loik OMG].
Dyew member them ole three jazz fellers - Coalman n Coaltrain n Albutailer n Sunraa n stuff bak inth ol dayz wen they’m all plain at wuns an yer coudnt make edner tale bowt it?... this iz wun ov them thyngs – bless me ifi taint propper gudnall. N’Andy’s givin it sum wollop too like ol capn beefart wen ee yewsta get his ole saxy thingmy owt –‘ neonmeate dream of a noctafish’ – member that un? – or wuz it ‘Air Pi’? Anywayz – twuz grate – jus loik thisun.
Nowz gon quoit – well wooda bin if Ole Steve adnt started up agin wivis orny wotnot. An Toe-kneez hollerin summut bowt sumthyn wotever thet iz.Sorta funqueeI recn….gorra reel groov t’wit. Mor loik they Mutthers Venshun thet yewsta be – ya knose – ‘Kyng-Kong’,’ Mr Greenbeenz’an swon an sworf. Prittyt neet, pretty gud. Enz up wi wun o them feedbaccy thynngs
O eyup, yeerz nuvver wun o th noyzy wuns. ‘Byrdman Wypers’ – wot thels thet? Ahh… tis loik wun o them Orkquinned thyngomeez - all spyshipz n stuff. Woooooof! Soitin sortuv.
Nummba for,’Wrong Head Collider’ – kent git rand their fensee spellin an wotnot. Butt Toneez grumbling agin, Andeez doin overthyme on is sexofone– I ope thym payin im extras. Swun o then reel swampee wunz loik oi loik. Nowt two it reely – Monteez runnin is finger upndown th keez,n’ tuthas arawl joinin in playin al throng notes asuzyall. Clevver thay are – jus banging thinstrimintz loik it meanz summut and we aff tdo al thwerk nterprittin it [cor thet werra long werd – gonna efta sit dan a minnit].
Ahh! Yer cumz nummba foiv ‘Big Black Garage’ [thetd bin Big Blek Garij if yewwnme ad rote it]. Toneez shouting summut thet sounz loik reel werdz this toim – stil kent mykem owt. Stu’s a-blonaway thare – sands purdy – sorta spaysrocky n weerd..
Trek sicks – ‘Star Mystyk 23’ – larst wun - startzall bit loik reel moosick ifyer knose worroimeanz butt soon teriates inta anuvver foin mess – just loik we loiks it danyer inth swomp…. Awll muddynswetty – loik secks wivout th wimmin- thanoze wot oim sain…
Awww Nooo! Tisova – carnt bleeve it – awl two soon. Oim a-complainin bowt this ter Kyngs Thay shud no we wan more o thet then this…not gud nuff – no wot oim sain????
.... An Oi dint notis nuffink offensiv didyew?
Boi thway they'm doin a seedy spays lawchy thingy at The Lamb in Lewes onth 23rd July 2016 - chek itowt on thair interwebsight thingy...
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