Chandra Moon: Full Circle
Chandra Moon Music CM0108
This is a lovely album I’ve been meaning to find time to write about for a few weeks now. [Chandra – I’m sorry it’s taken so long – my mind has been buzzing with non-musical stuff and hence I couldn’t concentrate on the task.]
I know I shouldn’t keep repeating that singer-songwriters need to have added oomph [I call it music] to impress me – but it’s true. I often just don’t listen to the words of songs as I’m concentrating on the choon and the voice – multi-tasking is something that doesn’t come easy for me! You could sing the phone book to me and I’d be happy as long as the voice was interesting and the backing was good.
So it will not surprise you if I say that, beyond picking up the ambience generated by the sound, I don’t really know what these songs are about but the tunes are groovy and Chandra’s voice – while not being startlingly different – is sweet and soulful. She has an ease of delivery that is both convincing in its sincerity and beautiful to behold. She has assembled a neat little band that totally complements the style and tenor of the songs, which overflow with love and peace and not in any sickly or syrupy sense. Add to this a very positive intention to the song-writing on the album. The dirges of the miserable student garret are banished to someone else’s records. And that suits me just fine.
And ‘just fine’ seems a pertinent epithet to attach to the whole project. It’s a great little record!