...buy a record with a cover like this.
Bach, J.S. & Ligeti, Gyorgy Chaconne
Antoine Tamestit
Ambroisie AM111
...which is a great shame because the music contained herein isn't half bad. Although it has to be said that it will only appeal to fairly died-in-the-wool chamber music buffs. There's absolutely nothing to get excited about here - just some straight down the line virtuoso viola playing. Which will be welcomed by all fans of that somewhat neglected and underrated instrument. The Bach, even in its jollier moments, is straight-laced and po-faced , and I defy all but the most highly-accomplished siffleur to whistle along with any of it. There is no doubt, this is serious music.
Much the same has to be said for Ligeti's contribution here. It may be 250 years more up to date but, well executed as it maybe, it is still remarkably deficient in the fun and games department. No musical titillation to be had anywhere. Which is fine if abstract miserabilism is your particular cup of tea.
But, returning to my initial point, what sort of person thought up the packaging for this otherwise acceptable, if specialist, CD? Just what is old Antoine upto on the front cover - whatever it is, it looks quite unnatural and questionable to me. In fact, it makes me feel quite nauseous. Perhaps there is a section of the population in the know about this sort of thing. If there is, would they kindly keep their information to themselves. If every picture tells a story, this could be a definite case for judging a book by its cover. Sadly my instinct would be to steer well clear.